The melancholic appeal of Blonde Redhead

Music is a big deal for us. Those who’ve visited our flagship store in Rotterdam will have had their ears caressed by the tones of our favorite artists or internet radio shows. One band that’s been with us since the inception of our company is Blonde Redhead. A unique, international power trio operating out of NYC, with roots in Canada, Italy and Japan.

A NYC band formed in ‘93, this must be a noise rock act? Right! But what’s so exciting about Blonde Redhead, is that over their almost 25 years of existence they managed to combine their noise rock roots with influences from French Chansons to exotic funky rhythms. Like Sonic Youth meets Serge Gainsbourg meets Can. Their unruly rhythms and guitar melodies are always wrapped in effective songwriting and topped with singular vocal hooks.

Enough with the technical description of their music. The melancholy that lies at the heart of Blonde Redhead’s music is what truly captivates and moves us. Every time we saw them live – be it the first time in ‘96 at legendary underground venue De Vlerk in Rotterdam or in ‘99 at NYU, when of all people Glenn E. Friedman complemented us on our camera, or just last week in Amsterdam – it’s the emotional core of their songs that connects so strongly with us. We can only hope they will stay with us for as long as possible, gracing us with many more great albums and fantastic concerts.

We’ve collected some of our favorite Blonde Redhead songs in this playlist.
The next time you visit our store, don’t be surprised to hear this over the loudspeakers.

Find out more about Blonde Redhead’s musical taste in this video

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