From time to time we ask users of The New Shopping Bag about their life. This edition we got together with the super stylish Shinji Moriyama. Shinji lives in Tokyo, where he works at District UNITED ARROWS . This is a high-end male fashion boutique, that sells our products next to fantastic labels like Dries Van Noten and Comme Des Garçons Homme. We had the pleasure to meet Shinji at his store a couple of times and now we are super happy to introduce this beautiful soul to you.
For our Japanese readers, scroll down to read the answers in Japanese.
Describe yourself in three words.
Fashion, Starwars-geek, dog-lover
Where are you now?
Tokyo, JAPAN – Born in Sasebo City, Nagasaki.
Tell us something about you and The New Shopping Bag.
I came across The New Shopping Bag when it was a big hit in Japan in the 2000s. The rugged ripstop fabrics, fashionable colouring, and uniqueness I would never forget and I bought them aggressively at that time. However, the boom ended and the number of dealers was reduced and I felt lonely.
Over the past few years, the greatness has been re-recognized, and I am glad that the number of online shops and other products has gradually increased again.
I have been working for a long time in a shop that deals with men’s designer clothes, and I wear various brands of clothes, shoes and bags. The New Shopping Bag fits right in. Instead of just shopping bags, they are now my main commuter bags.

Tell us something about Susan.
In the 2000s, a white female customer came to my store with a SUSAN BIJL bag. When I said to her “that bag is good,” it turned out that it was Susan herself! My personal memory is that I got a business card. That’s still a very nice and unforgettable memory, although she may not remember herself.
When 2 years ago a white man walked into my store with The New Shopping Bag in a pattern I had never seen before, and I told him that I wanted that, too, I knew it was Vincent, the husband of Susan, and felt a great connection.
Since then I personally emailed them and bought the SUSAN BIJL bags online. As I was using them, a lot of people around me wanted them, too. So eventually I ended up handling the SUSAN BIJL products at my own shop.
After nearly 20 years, I met Susan again. I was impressed because I felt such a strong connection, even though it was just a small encounter.

What ecological measures would you take if you ruled the world?
Free single-use shopping bags should be abolished completely. Surely the demand for SUSAN BIJL’s The New Shopping Bag will increase significantly then.
How do you brighten up your existence?
By wearing my favourite items – clothing, shoes, bags and watch – in a nicely coordinated way.
How important is colour for you in your work?
The colour of a piece of clothing is the most important factor in the first impression it leaves. The colour might trigger you to notice it, pick it up, wear it and favour it.
Bright colours, cool colours, warm colours, happy colours… colours have an effect on the heart and mind. If the world was a colourless world (like in George Lucas’s early work “THX-1138”), humans might not have evolved into such emotionally rich creatures.
Which music have you been listening to recently?
Originally I loved soul music like Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Quincy Jones, George Benson, Chic, etc, and collected jazz records. But when my children were born I stopped playing them. Now that my children have grown up, I put back the stereo set that was buried away. In contrast to listening to music that flows in and out of nature, we are now rediscovering the fun of the ritual movement of placing a record on a player and dropping a needle. Most recently I really Earth, Wind And Fire and particular the album ‘Faces’. It has these wonderful interludes of less than a minute between songs. Listening to the record, the order of the songs, SIDE-1, SIDE-2, and the flow of the story makes it easy to understand.

What is your biggest loss?
When I was a child, I was separated from our dog Van that I grew up with, due to my parents’ divorce. It was a very difficult situation for me. When Van passed away I couldn’t be there.
But now, I have a new dog called Indy who is so cute and fills me with love.
What is your ultimate destination?
I don’t have an ultimate destination at this moment, but I want to be a person who can make people and animals happy, even just a little. I dream of a peaceful world full of kind people.
SUSAN BIJL’s The New Shopping Bag has always been very popular in Japan. Can you give us a clue why?
I think that the pop-coloured bags match very well both with the desire to value nature and with Japan’s culture of cuteness.
Japan has grown rapidly, but at the same time, it has experienced the fear of pollution, and in recent years has experienced repeated natural disasters caused by environmental destruction. We all have to do something to stop the destruction of the environment. I that SUSAN BIJL is recognized as an innovative entity that teaches that you can enjoy fashion while also taking a positive step in environmental protection.
Japanese answers:
STARWARS GEEK(1977年の公開からファン。その時点から精神年齢は止まっています)
わたしはメンズのデザイナークローズも扱うショップに長年勤めており、いろんなブランドの服や靴、バッグを身に付ける生活をしていますが50歳に差し掛かる頃からどこかコーディネートの一部で力を抜くポイントが欲しくなり、そこにThe New Shopping Bagがちょうどよくフィットしました。買い物用のサブバッグではなくいまでは通勤のメインバッグにまでなっています。
2000年代にわたしのお店に白人女性のお客様がsusan bijilのバッグを持って来店。“そのバッグ良いですね“と声をかけたところ実はSusan本人!名刺をもらったのが個人的な思い出です。飾らず気さくでとっても素敵な女性の記憶でした。(本人覚えていないかもしれませんけど)
一昨年に見た事の無い柄を用いたThe New Shopping Bagを持った白人男性がやはりわたしのお店に来店され思わずそのバッグがわたしも欲しいと声を掛けたら今度はSusanの旦那様であるVincentだとわかりとても縁を感じました。
お店で買い物したら包んで渡してもらえる買い物袋は全面廃止で有料に。きっとSusan BijlのThe New Shopping Bagも大幅に需要が伸びますね。
もともとソウル・ミュージックが大好きでSTEVIE WONDERやMARVIN GAYE、QUINCYJONES、GEORGE BENSON、CHICなどなどそれにジャズのレコードを集めていましたが、こどもが生まれてからそれらもまったくプレイすることがなくなりました。
The New Shopping Bagはそれを持ち買い物に使用することでお洒落も楽しめてポジティブに環境保護の一歩を踏み出せることを教えてくれた革新的な存在だと認知されているからだと思います。