10% of the revenue from the SUSAN BIJL X Experimental Jetset collection will be donated to the Plastic Soup Foundation.
The problem
Our collaboration emerged from a wish to give something back. Plastic Soup Foundation (PSF) sparked our interest as an organisation that puts its money into direct action. The 'Here Comes The Ocean' collection emphasises the problem of climate change and our worries as a country below sea level. There are many ways to address climate change and countless places to look for improvement. As surfers and swimmers, we are drawn to the sea; it is a place we treasure and hate to see destroyed by plastic waste.
An estimated 3% of all plastic produced in the world ends up in the ocean. Over time, the plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces. Some sink to the bottom, some are suspended in the water column, and a portion remains afloat.
Of all the plastic we use, 40% is used just once. Every year we use several billion items such as bags, bottles, trays, and food packaging. If we don’t do anything about the plastic soup, oceans will carry more plastic than fish (by weight) by 2050. The United Nations warns that marine life will be irreparably destroyed. Coral reefs appear to be particularly vulnerable to plastic pollution. The plastic soup will endanger the food supply of millions of people; meanwhile, plastic production grows because of the low cost of shale gas.
PSF is a 'single issue' environmental organisation concerned with stopping plastic pollution at its source. As part of their mission, they call out the industries and Dutch government where they fall short.
PSF also focuses on the relationship between plastics and human health. Their recent work in this field includes campaigns on microplastics and the effects on our health caused by plastic waste. Education underlies everything PSF does, as children are the future.
We have advocated accessible alternatives for single-use plastic bags for over 20 years. We see the change it has made so far and will continue our quest with future generations in mind, to end this harmful plastic plague.
The increasing knowledge about microplastics and their consequences for our planet and health has us worried about our own plastic-shedding products. We are researching new materials, looking for a thread that is as strong and durable as nylon, as we don’t want to give up these life-extending features.
For now, we don’t recommend washing our bags unless absolutely necessary. When washing, the plastic fibres that break off end up in the wastewater and cannot be filtered out efficiently. The particles enter the sea, accumulate toxins and are ingested by fish and other marine life. Use a Guppyfriend washing bag for all your synthetics, as it collects these microplastic particles.
Get your Guppyfriend here.
Read more on the Plastic Soup Foundation, what they do and shocking facts on the plastic problem here: www.plasticsoupfoundation.nl.
Donations can be made through buying an item from our SUSAN BIJL X Experimental Jetset collection, or directly on their website.