Along with our new collection Horizons Susan Bijl also presents a new company logo. Previous logos were designed by artist duo De Humobisten and design company Studio Beige, both based in Rotterdam. The new image was designed by the company 75B – a renowned collective of designers that take graphic design and corporate identity just a little step further.
Below a short interview with Pieter Vos, who founded 75B along with Rens Muis.
First of all, what is 75B?
Pieter: “We are designers. We work with the ‘language of image’. Together with our clients we try to broaden the terms of that language. Apart from Rens, and me 75B consists of Annieka Bruyn van Rozenburg, Meren Snel, Lea Sormani and Loes Verstappen.
What can you tell us about the logo you guys did for Susan Bijl?
“The logo we did holds the most recognizable image of Susan Bijl – the so called Flash. It’s the diagonal line that crosses all their work. The line is thicker on the left side than on the right side, and runs from bottom left to top right. This is all included in the logo design we did. It’s as simple as that. Our philosophy is that a logo doesn’t need to aspire more than it actually needs. Aspiring less is at times even a better option.”
“The font we used is a recent digitalization of the Neue Haas. You can see it as the ‘grandfather’ of the well-known Helvetica Neue. The font fits well with the weight, technique and superb quality of the Susan Bijl products, that I personally use on a daily basis!”
Is there a personal connection between you and Susan?
“Well, we’ve known each other since our time at art school, and to use a euphemism: that is some time ago (smiles)”
“Since then we’ve developed a friendship and talked about work but also about numerous other subjects – holidays, kids, surfing, food, you name it. The friendship actually prevented us from working together for a long time. Mixing those two is usually not the best idea. But, life predicts that it’s sometimes just unavoidable!”
Last question. How important is colour for you in your work?
“Colour? To be frank: of no importance at all, and completely overrated. Colour should just do it’s job and stop complaining.”
Top image from exhibition Face Value, TENT Rotterdam
Left image poster for Rotheater