Inside The New Shopping Bag – Ruochen Wang

From time to time we ask users of The New Shopping Bag about their life. For this edition we opened up with Ruochen Wang, dancer at the great Scapino Ballet Rotterdam and saw a world full of love and humanity.

Describe yourself in three words
Laidback, curious and dedicated.

Where are you now?
I’m in an exciting stage of my life. I just bought an apartment in Rotterdam and I’m about to move in.

Tell us something about you and The New Shopping Bag
I got The new Shopping Bag from my best friend when I just moved to the Netherlands. Since then I spread the love from Rotterdam by giving The New Shopping Bag to my friends abroad when I visit them.

Tell us something about Susan
I like that Susan is a local designer and that her designs use all kinds of (colour) combinations. They are very eye-catching, minimalistic and to me they represent booming Rotterdam.

What ecological measures would you take if you ruled the word?
There will be five days per year without electricity and everyone will have to participate. No use of electronic devices. Lets just communicate with the people who we love around us.

How do you brighten up your existence?
By enjoying the simple yet so beautiful things in life. Having a nice dinner with my loved ones to express our gratitude and love for each other is one of those moments.

What part does colour play in that process?
The room will be filled with green plants and grey tablecloths.

Which music have you been listening to recently?
Emmerson Nogueira – I Just Called To Say I Love You

What is you biggest loss?
My family, but one day i will have my own.

What is your ultimate destination?
Hawaii – I just want to do the Hula, really bad!

Photography: Jan Bijl

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