Inside The New Shopping Bag – Michiel Schuurman

From time to time we ask users of The New Shopping Bag about their life. For this edition we dove into the mind of Amsterdam graphic artist Michiel Schuurman, with whom we just released the spectacular ‘No Signal’ collection.

Describe your work in three two words.
Loud and colourful.

Where are you now?
In that anxious space between holiday and a whole lot of work.

Tell us something about you and The New Shopping Bag
I was rewatching ‘Bladerunner’ around the time I was contacted by Susan and thought it would be cool to design a bag that is made of screens instead of fabrics. The old school test card for television was the starting point for the first fabric. Simple vertical bars in contrasting colours. White noise was the starting point for the second design. Organised noise with subtle colour effects to make sure your eyes and brain are as confused as possible.

Tell us something about Susan.
Susan is a very relaxed person. The ideal client for a nervous coffee drinking designer like me.

What ecological measures would you take if you ruled the world?
Get rid of all the cars. Also all the nukes.

How do you brighten up your existence?
I am surrounded by very good friends.

What part does colour play in that process?
Colour is almost always the starting point in my work. Working with colour is complex and I have the feeling that I can study it forever.

Which music have you been listening to recently?
You know I’m in my zone when you hear loud gabber coming from my studio. Don’t enter my studio when you hear Sonic Youth on repeat…. I’m probably crying and doubting my

What is your biggest loss?
My father who I loved dearly passed away last year.

What is your ultimate destination?
Being an artist for the rest of my life. Also a house with a garden, a big tree and mini horses for my wife.

Follow Michiel on Instagram.
Photography by Jan Bijl.

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