Outdoor Office Day Rotterdam

On June 13th, we will exchange our daily surroundings in artificial light for the calming environment of nature. International Outdoor Office Day is a valuable reminder to us that working outdoors benefits your concentration, creativity, and overall mood. We’re the first to admit that making an effort to go outside is often overlooked.

National Park Rotterdam invites us to come and work outside. Elevate your productivity, boost your well-being, and seize the opportunity to transfer your desk outside. Your concentration, creativity, and mood will thank you.

You can secure a workspace at a wide selection of participating venues and green initiatives that open their doors and facilitate green workplaces in the middle of the city.  

To name a few: Groene Oase op Zuid, Botanische Tuin Kralingen, De Voedseltuin, Rotterdamse Munt, Tuinderij de Stadsboerin, Stadskwekerij de Kas, de Molenwei, Buitenplaats Brienenoord, Drrroomland, Tuin de Bajonet, Arboretum Trompenburg and many more!

Make a reservation and find more information about the facilities at each location at nationaalparkstadrotterdam.nl/outdoorofficeday 


See you outside!

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