From time to time we ask users of The New Shoppingbag about their life. For this edition we got in touch with the lovely couple Maya Roest and Mischa van Leeuwen, who dance together at the amazing Scapino Ballet.
Describe yourself in three words.
Maya: Spontanous, crazy and a daydreamer.
Mischa: Fire, strong character and honest.
Where are you now?
Maya and Mischa: We have been dating for almost 7 years now. Mischa has been dancing at Scapino Ballet Rotterdam for almost 20 years and Maya has been dancing with Scapino Ballet Rotterdam for 10 years. Right now we’re at a big and exciting step in our life. We created the first Rotterdam International Duet Choreography Competition (RIDCC). It is a new platform that helps discover emerging choreographers. The aim of this competition is to stimulate and offer opportunities to international choreographers from all over the world. The Rotterdam International Duet Choreography Competition will happen from June 21 until June 23, 2018 at Theater Rotterdam. And we are very very very exited about that!!!
Tell us something about you and The New Shopping Bag.
Mischa: Me and The New Shopping Bag go way back in time. I received my first SUSAN BIJL shopping bag 15 years ago from one of my best friends as a birthday present. From that moment on I always had a SUSAN BIJL shopping bag in my life.
Tell us something about Susan.
Maya: I never met Susan Bijl in person but it’s amazing to see people abroad using this local brand. Every time i see someone using his or her bag i start wondering how they got that bag and what‘s their connection with Rotterdam.
What ecological measures would you take if you ruled the world?
Maya: If I would rule the world, i would try to teach our generation and the next ones the impact animal agriculture has on our environment. Indeed, animal agriculture is one of the main reasons for climate change, air and water pollution, and much more. Furthermore, eating to much meat is bad for our health and increases the risk to get several major diseases.
I would also start building large scale electricity generating offshore wind farms and stop the nuclear energy completely.
How do you brighten up your existence?
Mischa: Doing things i like: having quality time with my girlfriend and son, travel the world, go to the gym, buy new sneakers – by the way I already have 170 pair of Adidas sneakers. You can call me an Adidas fanatic.

What part does colour play in that process?
Maya: I did learn in my yin yoga teacher training, last year in Mexico, that we choose colours that are connected to organs in the body. The organs are connected with feelings. Unconsciously we choose what the body needs that day. We can heal and balance our bodies and emotions through the colours we choose.
For example: The first crucial colour choice of the day usually comes in the morning when deciding what to wear. Often we choose our clothes, and especially shoes for Mischa, on how we are feeling that day. And unconsciously it’s based on our energy flow.
Which music have you been listening to recently?
Maya: Tamino – I am in love with his voice. His music is melancholic, A bit dark even. The lyrics are also really heavy and obscure. He is a 20-year-old, half-Egyptian, half-Belgian. Last weekend I bought tickets for his show in Utrecht. But don’t tell Mischa yet, it’s a surprise…
What is your biggest loss?
Mischa: That I don’t see my son everyday. I only see him every 2 weeks for a long weekend and I wish I would see him much more often.
What is your ultimate destination?
Maya and Mischa: To be happy and healthy and same for the loved ones around us…
Want to get up close and personal with other Scapino dancers? Read our previous interviews with Jozefien Debaillie and Ruochen Wang.
Catch Scapino on tour through the Netherlands right now with their show ‘Scala’.