From time to time we ask users of The New Shoppingbag about their life. In the light of our new ‘Leftover’ collection, a collection entirely made of leftover fabric from previous collections, we are doing a series of ‘Inside The New Shoppingbag’ in which we focus on fellow creatives and entrepreneurs that reuse material to create something new.
In this edition we dive into the dungeons of ecological vegetarian restaurant Spirit to meet up with chef Daniël Saat. In little over a decade Daniël has turned Spirit into a true Rotterdam phenomenon. Since last year he also brings the ecological delight to Amsterdam. At Spirit the leftover food is not thrown away, but it’s being composted so that it can be used to grow something new with.
Describe yourself in three words.
worker cook creative
Where are you now?
Tell us something about you and The New Shopping Bag.
It’s a very strong good looking bag. Didn’t use it much though.
Tell us something about Susan.
I know her from Spirit and Groene Passage where Susan and her family often eat and shop for groceries. We have catered some release parties for Susan.
What role does sustainability play in your work?
A big role as we run an organic restaurant where we cook and serve vegan and vegetarian buffet style food. People pay per weight so people are more aware of what they take and thereby we reduce waste.

What ecological measures would you take if you ruled the world?
Try to get people to eat more locally produced food and eat seasonal foods. Try to get people growing only organic crops. And eat more plant based. And stop complaining.
How do you brighten up your existence?
Cooking. Being creative with food is what I like.
What part does colour play in that process?
A big part because its cool to use different colours in dishes, for contrast and nice compositions. Like when you design a bag!
Which music have you been listening to recently?
A bit of dub, Lee Scratch Perry.
What is your biggest loss?
I can’t think of something, fortunately.
What is your ultimate destination?
For now our new adventure: a vegetarian/plant-based restaurant where we serve our food at your table in small dishes accompanied by good wines.