From time to time we ask users of The New Shopping Bag about their life. In the light of our new ‘Leftover’ collection, a collection entirely made of leftover fabric from previous collections, we are doing a series of ‘Inside The New Shopping Bag’ in which we focus on creatives and makes that reuse material to create something new.
In this edition we enter the creative world of C.Cruden, the Rotterdam fashion designer that makes beautiful garments out of recycled fabrics.
Describe yourself in three words.
I am a, good, person. People call me charming, a wonder-woman and caring.
Where are you now?
Right now I live and work in Rotterdam, in my own workspace and store.
Tell us something about you and The New Shopping Bag.
What is most essential for my work is my very own The New Shopping Bag. In what other way am I supposed to carry all my priceless garments? It fits my own personal style of being simplistic but still chic.
Tell us something about Susan.
That is what Susan and I have in common, our aesthetic is both very much a choice of simplicity of the shape of our respective work.
What role does sustainability play in your work?
In my clothing design and producing of the clothes, I’m always making something out of nothing. That for me is the essence of sustainability, there is no end in my way of creating clothes. Nothing is wasted.

What ecological measures would you take if you ruled the world?
If I, finally, ruled the world, I would make sure that people on this planet wore clothes made from materials that would have almost no environmental impact, very durable and easy to recycle.
How do you brighten up your existence?
I try to focus on the little things in a day to brighten up my existence. also making sure I have at least a moment of quality time with myself. And painting my nails Indigo, my favourite color.
What part does colour play in that process?
Showing colour is something that is unequivocally a part of my life. Indigo will always catch my eye, no matter the way it’s represented.
Which music have you been listening to recently?
Lately I’ve been listening to the music that has accompanied me throughout my life. The dance music I used to dance to and my favourite funk/R&B songs plus jazz music
What is your biggest loss?
My biggest loss is that I used to give a lot to people who didn’t give back. A big waste of energy and love.
What is your ultimate destination?
The ultimate destination is either landing a rich husband so I can take it easy or/and making sure my work is something that will exist throughout the following years. That it will never be forgotten and that it will inspire many more designers working hard after I’ve retired and living on Ibiza.
Photography: Jan Bijl