From time to time we ask users of The New Shopping Bag about their life. In light of our new art inspired collection ‘Untitled’, we’ve approached several fantastic artists to be part of this interview series.
This edition we have the pleasure to give you a peak into the life and mind of Rotterdam based artist Marijke Appelman. We love Marijke’s art as it manages to connect directly with the audience through her smart and surprising approach.
Describe yourself in three words.
Human being artist
Where are you now?
In the darkroom making new work.
Tell us something about you and The New Shopping Bag
The New Shopping Bag is strong enough to carry the heavy metal balls for our The Young Petanque Club Rotterdam activities in. The Young Petanque Club Rotterdam is a (jeu de) boules club we founded in 2013.

Tell us something about Susan.
She is a friendly face when I run into her at the supermarket and I really appreciate her minimizing the plastic waste in my life.
What ecological measures would you take if you ruled the world?
I would love for it to be more acceptable to not have children, but I shouldn’t have to rule for that to happen.
How do you brighten up your existence?
By reading books.

What part does colour play in that process?
I am currently part of a Black Book club where we focus on reading books by authors of colour.
What is you favorite ‘Untitled’ artwork? Or other favorite art (all time or recently)?
There is not one favorite work in my life but Untitled (Protect Me From What I Want) March 1-31, 1982 by Jenny Holzer comes to mind.
How does art influence you in your daily life?
Aside my practice as an artist I am a teacher at the Willem de Kooning Academy and a student at Piet zwart Institute, it seems harder to think of a way that art is not part of my daily life…
Which music have you been listening to recently?
I try to not get stuck in my way and renew my taste constantly but overall I have a preference for strong female voices.
What is your biggest loss?
The ability to be inefficient. I still try to incorporate some forms of ‘inefficiency’ in my work, choosing to work with analog photography and materials that rot and change over time. Also I am a forgetful person, memories are lost on me all the time.
What is your ultimate destination?
I am turning 40 this month, I feel like that is some kind of a destination… also I have been working as an artist for ten years now, allowing me to travel and meet interesting people while doing what I love. I can’t glorify the art world but honestly it is quite the destination.

Photography by Jan Bijl